Open Access Labs - Resource Management System

Posted on May 17, 2019


The main project I took on during the Spring 2019 semester was a Resource Management System for Texas A&M’s Open Access Labs. Through the semester, I, along with my 4 other team members, created a system that queried all of the printers on campus, and reported their status in a simple and easy to use interface.


Our system used a Ruby on Rails backend, with a React / Semantic-UI frontend. Our database was constructed from a few PostgreSQL tables. Development was hard and started slow due to the lack of a server, but we were able to quickly build the backend. We created a lot of “dummy data,” and that is currently available to be viewed on our herokuapp (view below).

Testing and Deployment

We deployed on heroku to demonstrate our work for school, but the final deployment was on a private server sponsored by Texas A&M University Division of Information Technology.

Using rspec and a BDD testing package, we were able to get near perfect line coverage.

View our end product (non integrated) below!

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Heroku Notice

Please be aware that my application is hosted through Heroku, and doesn't use an SSL certificate. This means that if no one has used the application in the last ~30 minutes, it may take a few extra seconds for the app to load. Without an SSL certificate, your browser may flag the website as potentially not secure, but this is only because I don't generally pay the extra fee to encrypt my free Heroku Applications.

View my app here!